Our founder, María Pacheco, talks about the Wakami dream, the communities and about Hope and Prosperity with Agora partnerships. “Wakami is DISRUPTING cycles of poverty and creating cycles of prosperity.”
December 2nd, 2016
María Pacheco has always dreamt of a world that was green, with many trees and birds nesting and singing on them; with butterflies and frogs jumping from one twig to another; a world of peace, hope and prosperity for everyone; a world with no poverty, a world in peace.
But how could she make her dream world become reality, especially in Guatemala, a country hit by war?
She shared her dream world with a friend that came from the land of war. He loved it because he also had trees as part of his dream. However, in his dream he also wanted the trees to heat homes, to shelter the birds and rabbits and to hold water in the soil so springs and river would be alive. They worked together and taught communities how to find harmony with their land through its natural resources.
The people of Sacala now have their own association, Tikonel Taq Che, and their own Company, Sacala, that sells wood and wood products to markets.
Best part of all, by planting and caring for the Earth, María’s new friends were able to sell the wood and other things to make money to feed their families.
María was happy and kept dreaming of a better world:
“We dream of a world in which all communities have houses And all houses have a window
That from all windows a garden may be seen
And that in all gardens there is a ball
That all balls belong to boys and girls who go to school
And that all schools have PTAs of parents that work
That all those who work may reach the markets
And that it is markets that multiply houses with windows
So that the sky may be blue and the sun bright for everyone”
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If you liked the extract of The Story of The Wakami Dream go check out the collection inspired on the story!